Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Agenda from Meeting 27th July for 3rd August

(Contact Steve and Sarah)

1. Spatial sketch models

2. Research acoustic absorption coefficients and incorporate results

3. Identify construction details

4. Identify materials, suppliers and lead time

5. Costings

Construction and Materials:

Reflective acoustic surfaces for the range of audible frquencies are usually heavier materials such as concrete and brick etc. This study will need to use lightweight materials due to installation and cost constraints. This group would look at methods for maximizing reflections from lightweight plywood or solid timber boards.

Examine under following headings:

Type of board with costings based on drawings (Woodworkers and Kantor suppliers)

Examine ways of reducing absorbtion cooefficients with applied finishes etc.

Develop construction techniques for application type.

Make models representing ideas.

Research lead times for materials for delivery to Richview on 17th August 2009.

Present findings next monday 3rd August at 8pm.